25 July 2007

FilmFest#2: The Lost

Sigh and already I'm behind.

The nice thing about just rocking along to stuff with only a vague idea what they are about is that you often strike gold. Ant had emailed around his 24hr MM kiddiwinks to say turn up for this one as the director would be there. So since it was in the Incredible section, used the word horror, and had the director I wandered along.

I loved it.

It was more of a thriller than a horror (the director described it as such too), although parts of it were graphic - it was nothing over the top. Sure there were some small continuity issues, and a couple of bits of rough dialogue, but all in all it was great. The lead actor was captivating as a kind of halfway elvis/emo kid. The movie starts off with a murder then quickly fastforwards to 4 years afterwards and explores the effect that action had on the characters. Really interesting movie, good use of graphic violence, some very funny scenes, and definitely recommended.
Sadly being an indie movie you might have trouble tracking it down.


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