12 October 2012

Gift horse articles in the news

You can't make this stuff up, courtesy of France and the USA. Two stalwarts of quality news.

Yes, I'm not sure the word 'euro' makes any difference there either. The key, and brilliant, points to this story:
  • person is unemployed
  • the bill was more than 5000x the GDP of France
  • "...told by shrugging staff there was nothing they could do."
The real bill was E117.21. 

Which the company eventually let her off paying. Damn socialists.

Todays vital lesson, don't try cooking squirrels with a propane torch.

Sadly the winner who did this isn't a contender for the Darwin awards. But the potential is there, go team Propane Squirrel !!

Coming soon, possibly a book blog, a whisky blog, and a music blog. 

No really, I'm feeling in a bloggy mood.

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