21 October 2010

Movies : Birdemic ; Boy ; Fish Tank

To start with a diversion, Jonathan Franzen is being lauded for his new book 'Freedom', having it described as the great American novel.  To those heights, I'd like to add Birdemic. At the base level, the story revolves around bird attacks, and love. The birds make the viewers use their imagination, stretch their minds, project themselves into the movie. What I found visionary was the tying together of history, green issues, and biology. Characters are well developed, although playing Everyman they are allowed to breath and express themselves to an unusually high degree. Aside from the green plot, there's also a higher subtext of either political (republican/democrat) or religious, depending on your interpretation.
There's more than one way to kill a bird/republican/religious zealot, and the movie explores concepts of freedom within a capitalist world.
Highly recommended.

Finally got to see this - thanks to Suz sending it over on DVD. Starts off well, very funny in places, but loses story and generally seems to meander to a largely unsatisfactory ending. I dunno, I really wanted to like it, but found it disappointing. It is a sweet story about a daydreamer (Boy) and his deadbeat Dad who appears when his G'ma goes off for a tangi (yeah it is a bit forced). Acting is excellent, music is good (well it is the phoenix lads), just ultimately unsatisfying.

Fish Tank
If it's all about realism, then Fish Tank is a winner. Social realism on a very depressing scale, to the point that Ken Loach is generally more uplifting. There were moments of comic relief, but it's not a happy movie. And definitely not Hollywood.Acting is superb, and you definitely need to see this movie. But bear in mind, the news will be a welcome happy relief.


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