But, music. Last year's music in particular. I scrobble all my tunes to last.fm so I get pretty accurate listening reports. And yes, I am sad enough that i'll scrobble from spotify or my mp3 collection if I'm spinning an LP. Don't judge me, I'm more than capable of judging myself.
Down a bit from last year, which reflects a few months of no Thurs Night Music night while I was living in Wellington and the music was in Dunedin. But we're back to normal now, so I'd hope for an increase on this for 2020.
Fewer artists, albums and tracks this year, possibly reflecting the reduction in overall music. Also I don't have spotify in my new role, so I'm not randomly finding things as much. Being back with the music collection now, there's likely to be more YouTube holes I go down, finding new artists.
Unsurprising with TNMN.
No huge surprise there. A number of those artists released new albums this year
Oddly I would have thought Dimmu Borgirs new album, Eonian might have popped up as I thought I'd spun it quite a few times. Oh well.
So there you go.