18 January 2019

Last FM and my listening

Following on from the booze blog, here's the tunes blog.
All of my devices scrobble to Lastfm so this is pretty accurate as I'm a little bit OCD.

Apparently I listened to more music in 2018 than I have in the many other years of Last.FM-ing.

Of these here's the artist/album/track breakdown, which seems a little odd unless it's only counting unique named tracks, otherwise where did the missing 5000 go?
the CSNY album is a little unfair as it's 41 tracks (3CD) so playing it twice gives the 82 scrobbles. And most played artist? yeah I'm as shocked as you...

Listening time seems right, as I tend to read email and do work to music first thing in the morning. And Thurs Night Music night explains the listening week.
Tags are Last.FM ones, not mine.

So what's new pussycat? apparently fewer new artists this year, but Colosseum are brilliant.
New Albums, apparently a good/expensive year for new albums. And of those new albums, apparently the tracks were new. shocking stuff that.

Next? I may get around to writing my Top10 albums for 2018. Or I may go to the pub.

me x

What have I been drinking? 2018

Yes, it's been awhile. No, I have no excuses.

First up, what have I been drinking? Untappd helpfully sent me this....(user = sphenodon if anyone wants to stalk me)

This first one is a bit misleading as it counts all beer, so if I had a flight of four beers (150ml), that's four beers. So it's not quite as bad/good as it looks...

I like that around 75% of the beers I drink are different. Which is reflected in the very limited number of multiple checkins, but I do rather like Bird Dog :)

No surprises here.

This is a little unfair with Emersons 4m30s walk from the office door.

The Portsider is about 100m from home. Commodore is where I stayed when I arrived back in NZ.

Next? Music listening review, then possibly by 2018 Top10 albums.

I am, possibly, going to do a monthly opera blog. Although I'm running out of January. Sigh.

me x