24 May 2023


 Rum, not a spirit I know much about, other than dump it in cocktails and try and get over those student rum n coke days.

Santisima Trindidad de Cuba 3YO

  • N: light, menthol, grapefruit, mint
  • P: light, tasty, menthol, grapefruit
  • F: hot, short-med, 

6/10 very sweet.

Santisima Trindidad de Cuba 7YO

  • N: sweet, pineapple, vanilla, minty
  • P: peppery, vanilla
  • F: med, vanilla


Bayside Rum co. 

Uses kumara as base 

  • N: musty, woody, PVA 
  • P: vanilla, peppery, hint of wine
  • F: long


La Progresiva Cuban Rum

  • N: light, dark sugar, molasses
  • P: molasses, sugary, vanilla
  • F: med-short, peppery

8/10 i liked this one 

Black Tears Cuban Spiced Rum

  • N: vanilla, spicy, cocoa, chocolate
  • P: spicy, dry sweet, coffee, chocolate
  • F: short

8/10 really liked this, and i can see it working in a espresso martini

El Dorado 12YO

  •  N: demerara sugar 
  • P: spicy, molasses, coconut
  • F: long, peppery

8/10 wasn't expecting the coconut but it made for an interesting taste

El Dorado 15YO

  • N: sugar, vanilla, wood, solvent
  • P: vanilla, demerara sugar
  • F: med

7/10 possibly more elegant than the 12yo but not half as interesting. fantastic colour in it tho.

Pleased I went, I'm not sure I'll rush to another one, but it had more variety than expected. and I can see myself using spiced rum in cocktails...

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