20 October 2009

Things wot I have learned

My time here hasn't all been music and work, no sirree bob, I've like learnt stuff.
Here's part 1 of a probably occasional series on the Locals.

Beer teaches me things
While proggin' it down in the forest of dean, the beer at the venue was Freeminer. I just drank it and thought, odd name. Following a visit to the museum all was revealed. Once you'd done a year and a day underground in the Forest of Dean, you'd be granted the right to have a personal plot. I've even found it on wiki, and more importantly the FreeMiner brewery history. The website also explains why there are sheep all over the place roaming free-range, another 'right' of the foresters. Fascinating stuff! Oh and you should check out their range of beers, I might get some for the names alone...

Mi duck
Old people here say stuff and end with 'mi duck', or rather as it sounds 'me duck'. actually with the absence of teeth on many of them, it's hard to say WTF they are saying. I asked around the office and no-one knew why, they just said 'its what they say around here'. According to wiki, it's thought to derive from Anglo Saxon 'Duka' meaning My Duke.

I thought there was something else, but meh, it's gone now.

Love, B


MadMacca said...

I am going to see if I can work 'mi duck' into conversation tomorrow. I will report back on how it goes.

Anonymous said...

Have you really not heard "eh oop mi duck" in NZ?!! J

Anonymous said...

According to wiki it's "ey up". I think it should be spelled like it sounds :) Come to think of it, both TLP's parents are East Midlanders, maybe that's where I heard it first! J