10 January 2011

Stupid reporters and equally stupid Equality and Diversity

Two major complaints about idiots today.

First up, really stupid media beat-ups concerning pregnancy resulting from 'failures' of an inserted contraceptive device.

All of the news outlets that I flicked through carried this story, with equally ridiculously stupid comments. I haven't read the Daily Mail's one, but dare say the Pope is behind this failure. Anyway here's the Guardian's one.

Let's look at the data:
584 failures, leading to pregnancy last year
99% safe, according to the manufacturer
82000 fitted last year
1,000,000 sold in the UK.

Now I'm not a professional statistician but if we look at 584 / 82000 * 100 = 0.7%

The worst possible number to use (82000) is massive underestimate as it only counts newly inserted devices, not any of those already working their sperm-busting magic, has a failure rate LESS than that suggested by the manufacturer.

To rephrase, in case dumb-ass reporters are reading: there are less pregnancies than you'd expect.
And from an equality and diversity monitoring form I saw today:

Apparently I do have a religion.

FFS. How f'ing stupid do you have to be to list Atheism as a religion?!

Rant, B


Anonymous said...

I think the bigegst fail here is leaving "Jedi" off the religion list...


Chris said...

Confucianism and Taoism probably aren't technically religions either.