25 November 2008

Beer Report

Has been a time between drinks. Actually it hasn't, but it's been awhile since I commented on beer.

But I'm back. And I'm pissy.

Two recent experiences to demonstrate my point. And I'm not too embarrassed to admit I lost my rag on the first one.

Supermarket, not exactly upmarket - ie not Thorndon or City New World - is selling triple abbey beer. Huzzah I think, and carefully pick up a 750ml bottle and carry it to the checkout. The chick packing the bags flips it over and spins it to wrap it in paper. I yelled at 'what the fuck are you doing, that's bottled conditioned'. She looked quite shocked. So I explained why you should never do that to a bottle conditioned beer, and said I'd be going to get another one. Muttering loudly about fucking incompetent idiots.

Went to a pub after hockey and ordered an Emerson's APA (bloody marvelous beer). the other beer I was getting I'd said no glass, and this one the barman said 'No way I'm giving you this one without a glass, and be nice on the pour'. Respect. 
Regional Wines? When I picked up some cork'n'wires the other week, Fraser said "now, no drinking for at least a week, let them settle". and he knows me as a beer lad. 

My point? Other than I'm getting more angry as the years flow by, is that if someone is stocking an item they should know how to sell it. I've ranted about stupid feckin pretentious twat bars (The Jimmy comes to mind) that have a great selection of wine, and four or five beers. All crap beers too - I got stuck with Stella. 

But by god, this Edradour 14yo is going down nicely.


Anonymous said...

With the supermarket thing - I'd place no reliance that the beer had been handled properly at any time since shipping. So you'd be best to let the beer stand and settle for a while before opening anyway, regardless of how the checkout chick handled it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and by the way - I find your beer snobery very rich from a bloke who buys his mates Monteiths Radler. ;-)

Anonymous said...

She was a check out chick in Levin she is unlikely to know what a Belgium beer is let alone how to handle it B - so says the one who was left at the counter counting ceiling tiles whilst you found another nice one :-)


Anonymous said...

On the more practical side, there's probably some young thing blogging about her pretentious supermarket cun'stomer. Not to mention the fact that S needs to shop there again. Minimum wage is hardly enough to deal with shite like that. J