18 March 2007

Boguns, rock and gigs

it's late and I'm watching C4's 40 best bogun videos. It scares me a lot that I know all the words, with the exception of the Pantera 'Cemetary something' which i kinda recognised - Andrew's fault?
I wasn't going to watch. I'd skimmed through the Steel Mill and went grocery shopping, then switched it on while i made my lunch. And I got hooked. Must have been the few hours I spent in the Hutt this afternoon.

Went to a gig last night after the beers and movies. First up were the Dukes of Leisure , who Billy assured me I'd like. He was right. An instrumental group who sounded like Oceansize (Everyone into position era stuff) and guitar era Radiohead. I really enjoyed them, interesting sonic experiences. Rich and Michelle claimed it 'all sounded the same' and was a bit soporific. I think she even used the word soporific. She hadn't been drinking for as long as I had.

Next up were the Dissenters. A garage surf-band. Now for some reason thats a genre thats getting a lot of time at the moment. Which I just dont get. The band seemed good and generally enjoyable, although the drummer was a bit behind the rest of them for most of the gig. And they got signficantly looser during the gig. So not hugely recommended.

Then the reason we were there, Idle Factions 2nd EP release. The band sounded really really tight, and some excellent bass playing by darren. This is a band whose music I like, it's energetic, interesting and good hybrid between metal and punk. My problem? the vocals. When Billy is up high he sounds good (kinda like the 80s metal singer 'midnight') and has a good upper register. Problems seem to start when he's down low and ends up out of tune. Why? eh I dunno. My guess is that he's not projecting and breathing with the diaphragm for support. This is a real shame as the band is really really good, but the vocals are getting lost in the mix cos of lack of projection in the lower ranges must be tricky for the mixing desk as his top range is loud!
Sorry dude, but its fixable, and the fix should prolong your voice too.

Woohoo Alice Cooper's 'Poison' I love this song!!!

Smoochies, B (wondering if he should post this, eh why not...hopefully billy wont hit me)


Chris said...

Dude, I thought the only diaphragm/projection combo you were into involved alcohol... will surprises never cease?

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's one of the politest assessments of my singing inability I've ever received :)

Most of the way I sing is a function of the way I am singing through an underpowered guitar amp at practices and can't hear myself. I would rather be singing higher, but if I sing high quietly, I can't hear anything at practice... but I can hear myself if I shout. :/

Also, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing :)

Anonymous said...

I caught some of that C4 bogun anthems thing too and was also scared how much I recognised - and liked - in fact, C4 in general scares me because every time I turn it on at night I seem to know all of the stuff. Worrying.