30 March 2007

More movies!! and beer

This week has seen more culture that you'd think humanly possible! Theatre on Tuesday, and then a lecture from the Classics society on Wednesday concerning the Odyssess myth *yeah buggered if I can be bothered checking spelling* and movies. Another brunette (hellooooo gossip mill!!!) and I bowled along to that, me cos I like movies and the guy giving the lecture, and she cos shes a classics student and felt she should. It was great. Lots of spaghetti westerns (post Leone, you could tell from the use of eyes!), some classey Euro film, and O Brother Where Art Thou? As you cannot speak about that particular myth without mentioning the Coen brothers. It just wouldn't be right!

In an effort to get back to my usual level of drunken deviancy, our post-season hockey drinks were last night. Mmmmm Emersons bookbinder on tap. Mmm. Once again my head hurts cos I went drinking with a Scot. Although in a refreshing change this one wasn't called Neil or Gavin which most Scots seem to be (yet another brunette, I'm like getting a set of them!).

Off to a lecture about how we are screwing the planet now.

Ciao all!!

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