23 October 2007

Ngauranga & Effluent

Please note the ampersand between those two. I was sitting on the train and noticed the weird contraption next to the Ngauranga station, labelling on it says it's a place for dumping effluent from stock trucks and mobile homes. I never knew these things existed, and there's one I ride past. Exciting!!
Other interesting facts about Ngauranga. There's a boat carcass up there somewhere, probably around the lights. I read something in the DomPost some time ago about it - it was on the beach front, but that got lifted during the big quake. Some guy in Wgtn had been trying to find it for sometime. I think that kinda thing is cool, I often think I'd have liked to have been a historian, or at least done more local history. I really enjoy Peter Kitchin's columns each week in the Sat paper.

All those thoughts were inspired by the absolutely wonderful album, Up by Peter Gabriel. If push came to shove I think that album would make it on my top10. Ever. And I don't like early Genesis. It constantly disturbs me how many ppl presume I like early Genesis and Yes, and I gave up trying to explain the concept of 'neo-prog' to them. Sticking to 'I like Radiohead' seems to work better.

Love, B.


Anonymous said...

Well done - most Wellingtonians consider Ngaraunga a day trip. Did you pack a lunch? Change your money? Did you get a visa stamp at the Thorndon check-point?

(inside voice, inside voice)

Anonymous said...

Nah - he's in the Valley now. We Valley people know that there's a world on the other side of the harbour....


Scarlet Dux said...

He's not a local anymore...


Anonymous said...

He's not in Kansas any more Toto.

Scarlet Dux said...

But he still has the pretty sparkly red shoes but the batteries ran out so he's stuck - oh no! Who will save him?