18 August 2009

I'd like this at my farewell on Friday

From a thesis I'm editing:

The women sang regulated laments and dirges during the ...(relevant detail removed) feast, as well as tearing their cheeks, baring their breasts, and cutting their hair to express grief


Scott said...

Would a rousing chorus of 'Wonderwall' accompanied by a dance routine suffice?

GB said...

What about "never gonna give you up" and we stop him getting on his flight?

Anonymous said...

I'd get my tits out but we're not in the West Coast any more Dr Ropata.


Lux said...

No you arent in the Hutt anymore! Put away the boobies!

Anonymous said...

Wow, will anyone believe I wasn't either "anonymous J" or Sharla? Both responses were just right on my lips/fingertips etc....
xoxox :(

GB said...

Sorry there was no baring of breasts or wailing but I'm sure the exposed mid-rif and hotpants sufficed?