16 January 2010

aMSN, SVN, iTunes plugin

I suspect this post will be of no use what-so-ever for most of you, but hopefully those googling away for a similar problem may find it helpful.

I'm running the SVN release of aMSN on the Mac - a MSN client which looks pretty and works so much better than MSN for the Mac. The music plug-in hasn't worked very well either on the SVN version, or Snow Leopard, opinion is divided. I seem to recall it being fine on Snow Leopard, so figure it's the SVN.

There's a few things to try, on some SVN versions removing the Adobe Unit Types.osa file from \Library\Scripting Additions will fix the problem. This fixed things a few times for me.
If it doesn't, try pressing Apple+P while aMSN is the active App, this displays the Plugin Log. One thing I came across was a permissions error on the Music plugin within aMSN.
I fixed this by opening the contents of aMSN (Control + Click on aMSN app, and choose Show Package Contents - there's a sex ref in there, somewhere), going to the plugin directory and deleting the music plugin folder. I downloaded it again from the aMSN main homepage, dragged this version into the correct place.
Things started working again.The import Plugin may work, but that app doesn't seem to have been updated for sometime, play around :)

I've just put the Adobe Unit Types file back into place, and restarted aMSN, and it's dead again, so it does appear to require that file to be moved, and in my case the music plugin with correct permissions installed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fascinating life you do lead. :) J