1 July 2007

It's been a funny old day/weekend

I've managed to get the flu, or at least a frickin nasty headache. Stupid me. Stupid. That rooted my plans to head up to Fin and Tom's party last night. Which meant I missed the rugby, and in a stunning display of flu induced stupidity I taped the wrong station so haven't got to see the game. Dammit.

In other news, I've chosen a real estate agent to sell the apartment. Will let you know how that goes...

My couch has been sold and collected so the lounge is looking quite empty. Might try and rearrange it when I feel more up to it. I was going to tidy bits of the bedroom today, maybe.

finished watching season2 of Dead Like Me which I enjoyed. S2 seemed better focussed than S1 which got a bit confused near the end of the season.

Watched last weeks Power of Art on Picasso this morning, loving that series. Watched some DailyShows I had on tape, heh love that programme, the pisstakes on Dick Cheney last week were priceless.
Made some more crayfish stock so the house stinks. Can't have the windows open too much either as its pissing down. Ahhh winter, gotta love it. And I updated my RSS feeds for the NewYorker movie reviews.

Saturday mornings episode of The Steel Mill (the hard/extremem metal show) had the video by Necrophagia which incorporated plastercine action stuff by Bruce Bickford. A really really good documentary about him was at the FilmFest last year called 'Monster Road' - definitely recommend that one. I've tried to find a YouTube of the Necrophagia video, but haven't managed it yet.

Here's some links relevant to this post:

If anyone has the Necrophagia vid link, I'll dump it up.

Me x

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You are moving?! We've got water leaking thru a light fitting right now. Moving sounds ok.