10 February 2009

Best of NZ and the US

Work is hell at the moment. There's far too much crap going down preventing me from actually doing what should be. But I can cope with that. Eventually. Should be interesting to see how things fall, I'm safe where I am, but I do hope some people ain't.

So it's the little things I look forward to. Coming home after a nice long walk, listening to good music, nice cold shower (it's horribly muggy at the moment). Then dinner; paua on green tea noodles with soy/lemon sauce with kiwifruit, washed down by nice tap water, and Puhoi Berry yoghurt for dessert. This was a very nice dinner.
I even have some for lunch, I had forgotten I've got a lunch with my boss and an HR friend. Oh well, should be a nice lunch.

Currently watching the last episode of The wire S4. Believe the hype. As everyone else has said, this show is perfect. In depth, long stories, great acting and brilliant script.

Last week S2H and went to see Ryan Adams and the Cardinals at the State Opera House. Which sucks as a venue (see Wilco review last year). But the crowd were into it and over all it was a relaxed chilled gig. The Cardinals are very very tight band, and RA almost fades into the background. Whcih certainly helps for atmosphere. Great set list playing some of my favourites. RA was an amusing wee lad and the interplay between him the band, and the audience certainly helped the gig. I enjoyed this a lot. And I'm really pleased to have seen him live, he is a very talented lad.


1 comment:

Lux said...

Sounds terribly healthy - see what happens when I leave the country?