19 September 2010

What I've learnt this week

That, indirectly, the Nazi's are to blame for everything. EggsBene has been over in the UK laying out phat beats from the popemobile888. Actually trying to find a full copy of what he said has proven difficult, and I don't care, but in essence denial of a fictional figure, a delusion, is the cause of the worlds ills. BasicBene wants us all to have some form of faith, and from that the other delusion, a decent society, will emerge. It seems to me, his decent society and the Tories could be quite similar, white, middle-class, in other words the usual.
Somehow the Royal Mail misplaced my invite for an audience with the pope.

Yes OK, I just wanted to put that link in.

Todays Observer had a few interesting articles in it. Usual overtly leftie handwringing, which is why I generally skip it, but it was the food issue (as long as you avoid the ethical sourcing tirade, it's ok), so picked it up.
An article describing the changing approach to children's TV caught my eye. Apparently by 6yo, children have watched a year of TV. Depressing. I've taken to switching it off more and more. As my lastFM daily numbers will attest. Apparently there was far more thought into PlaySchool than you'd imagine, and that the crew had bets on which window they'd zoom through. Awesome (actually that bit would tie in with EggsBene, betting and rugby, two Catholic staples). Admittedly I know very little about children, even less about entertaining them (waddya mean Jodorwsky isn't 'appropriate'), but what I do recognise is that that article reflects findings in apes. Both in behaviour and actions, human juvenile behaviour and stimulation is very similar to apes. As you'd expect.
What surprised me is that this stuff is trotted out all the time in ape literature, but apparently is new and revolutionary in humans. Typical.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But darlingk man you ARE a stepdad :-p