14 August 2010

pisht post

Spanish red is good. Or at least the bottle I had was. Stupid gnomes, drinking my wine. Wankers.

No matter how many times I watch Night Watch, and what state I'm in (sober, drunk, asleep..other) it still makes fuck all sense. And I love it. The books are great, the movie superb, sense be damned. Go watch it.Personal choice, good, bad, indifference, manipulation, it's war n peace on a supernatural scale. Oh bugger it, the gnomes arenow bothering the whisky.

Here's the promo for Night Watch.


Chris said...

I still haven't seen Day Watch. Something I must correct. And isn't here a sequel out soon?

Sphenodon said...

yeah the third books been out for ages, day watch is even more out there :D