26 December 2006

Boxing Day Pt II

And so begins Pt II. The swim was good, no cute chicks in bikini's, but relaxing nonetheless. First up is Sin City. I like this movie - nice noir vibe and beautifully shot. Was that McSteamy (GA) in it?

It's surprising how many people comment when you've got a painted fingernail.

And now onto Dream Theater 'Score', I was halfway through this so it's the orchestral section. Now with some bands (Metallica spring to mind here) this is just crap. But I have to admit I like what DT have done. Even if Mike P's stupid t-shirt makes me want to slap the bugger. And can his drum kit get any bigger? I mean really, can anyone say small penis? That's not even mentioning the bloody mirror he's got ...
But aside from that. Damm thats a great band. Scary how good they are really. The orchestral tracks were well chosen, the only comment I could make was that with an orchestra, perhaps a bit less keyboard would be required? Is that bit of Octavium a tribute to GardenParty? Hmmm certainly sounds like it.

WTF is up with jack johnson, why is he so popular and yet so frickin' boring?

And since DT it's been a wild wild ride! The news, Simpsons, Futurama and now Little Britain abroad. Shortly will be an episode of six feet under which I'm finally catching up on. Yes, it's all go here.

b (postus maximus)


Anonymous said...

Hey B,

I watched "North by Northwest" on Boxing Day. My second ever Hitchcock film...

Oh and on Christmas Day I watched "It's a Wonderful Life"

Was good to step back in time a little with both of those.

:) Naomi.

Mr A. P. Salmond, esq. said...

"WTF is up with jack johnson, why is he so popular and yet so frickin' boring? "

Because all women want to make him their love daddy. He's the new Ben Harper; slightly dull; fairly safe; pretty hot; "sensitive".