14 November 2006

Old #1

unday, October 15, 2006

Mellow tunes

There's something kinda mellow about chilling with his Bob-ness, I'm still not wholly sold on the new album. It's good, better than Love and Theft, but not as good as the perfect Time out of Mind. I could go a nice Chardonnay right now actually. But in the spirit of responsibility I might have a lemon honey drink. Which is a bit sad. Really.

Watched a surprising movie in the weekend, Songcatcher. Almost a chick-flick, woman academic who specialises in folk-music gets dissed by her work goes to spend time in Appalachian mountains with sister. Discovers local music. starts recording it and writing it down. Falls in love with mountain-man. Reading the description on the back almost made me shudder as it was so not the type of movie I'd watch. But it had been recommended to me by a friend. So hell, why not. It was quite good, and music was great. REasonable acting, a bit cliched in the script tho'. I sat down with a bunch of nice seafood, some chardonnay, and generally enjoyed it.


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