10 May 2010


Headline from a music news list I'm on:

k.d. lang and Susan Boyle Fuel Mothers Day Chart
More than 30,000 Susan Boyle and k.d. lang CDs sold last week in Australia with shoppers buying up for Mother`s Day


Amanda said...

Luckily nobody gave me either of those. Generally I find the concept of saccharine generic Mothers Day music compilations extremely annoying. *I* am a mother but giving birth didn't suddenly deprive me of all individuality and taste.

buzzandhum said...

Honestly, it makes me sicker thinking "what the fuck happened to KD Lang? Once, when I was young, she was exciting and interesting. But, since then...."

The Rose and Dragon said...

Being child free has so many advantages...good luck to all of you who love nana shades of pink and mauve and have received the latest Yardley soap-on-a-rope...

Pachyderm said...

@TheRoseandDragon: *shudder*. Mauve, pink, and soap on a rope should be banned on a permanent basis, and anyone who had dared to give me SB or KDL would have been shot on sight. I agree with Amanda: I might be a mum but I still have taste of my own!