20 July 2010

Cooking with Bruce: Squid and citrus salad

This was dinner tonight, and it's very tasty and refreshing. The original recipe has been edited a bit, but feel free to play around - that's the whole point of my recipes, and lack of precision with them.

Squid and Citrus salad
Squid bit
A dozen small squid (hoods only, either chopped in two, or smaller your call), or a mix of seafood.
6 garlic cloves chopped finely
6 T light soy sauce
6 T rice wine
6T soft brown sugar

Mix the boring stuff into a marinade, add squid and, well, marinate for 20 mins or so.

Citrus salad
couple of handfuls (large) of salad leafy things
some grapes (I used red) chopped in half
half a pink grapefruit, as segments
yellow and red peppers,chopped

Mix all that.

2T oil
1T light soy sauce
1T lemon juice
3T orange juice
fresh ground pepper.

Guess what, mix all that.

Heat frypan to very hot. Throw in the squid, cook. Dump on the salad, add the remaining marinade and reduce that down and throw that over the salad too.
Shake some smoked paprika, cayenne pepper and sesame seeds over everything.
Pour dressing over the salad and toss.

Eat. I reckon it'd go very well with the Badger Blandford Fly, or something kinda ginger/citrus summery of beery drinks.

1 comment:

The Rose and Dragon said...

I have to confess that I am still so much of a child that whenever I see "tossed salad" I have a little "teeheehee" moment. :)