20 April 2009

Music musings

It's interesting how memories are triggered by specific things. There's a very large number of papers devoted to this subject, but I'm focusing on personal memories here - in particular how music triggers certain memories. I won't go into too many examples, but to demonstrate:
- Men at Work : Down Under, always brings back memories of 2ZB morning show with Lindsay Yeo while eating toast and marmite [as a note: how much more kiwi can you get...]
- Genesis : Invisible Touch, two memories stick out here. Firstly biking down to Chelsea Records in the Hutt to buy the vinyl (apparently I was a connoisseur even then), and watching the performance on TV around the same time, which I guess was LiveAid? where Phil is lighting himself with a torch during the 'haha ha ha' section in Home by the Sea (yes I know it's a different album). Great stuff.

But the one that came up the other day was listening to Eric Woolfson's Freudiana (which is an Alan Parsons Project album in all but name). I hadn't listened to this for years as my tape had died, and it's difficult to find on CD. I borrowed the CD was via the Uni BBS (now that dates things somewhat!) where I found someone else who a) had heard of and b) liked, Alan Parsons. It was a horrendous night when I took the motorbike out to, I think, Southgate and spent sometime going through his CD collection - one of which I borrowed was Freudiana. I like the album, sure if you've heard APP you've heard most of the album, as it's not that original. But it does have some great tunes, and I love the overture.
It's also a bit of a rarity in that it's a musical, and I (generally) like it. I think I can count on one hand the musicals I like; Freudiana, Chess (well it is Abba...), Rocky Horror and um err that's about it. I might be able to come up with a couple more if I tried, but I'd be stretching. And yet I like Opera.

It's proven difficult to find audio samples of Freudiana, I've found the video for the title track - credited to the APP. I've also found a German recording of the album (not the English version I've got), but it's lacking the cool bass in the original - it's the stage show version. so I might try and sort out something.
In the meantime, here's the vid. And before I forget, happy birthday to S in Ireland. Which, as Stephen Fry says, is only greener than England as all the Irish are trampling the grass in England these days...


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